The Robert R. McComsey职业发展中心
Welcome to the Robert R. 麦克科西职业发展中心! 我们的使命和价值观向阿比盖尔·艾伦致敬, 几代学生的良师益友, 强烈支持男女同校, k8彩乐园app官网下载第二任校长的妻子. 探索我们为学生、校友、教师和雇主提供的许多职业准备资源.
Additional CDC Offerings
Service Learning
加里·霍洛维茨服务学习计划的目标是培养社会责任和社区参与的环境, and...
Cheryl's Closet
Alumni Services
The Robert R. McComsey职业发展中心为校友提供持续的支持. 请k8彩乐园app官网下载,了解更多关于毕业后获取资源的信息.
Student Stories
More About the Robert R. McComsey职业发展中心
The Robert R. McComsey职业发展中心使学生和校友能够通过明智的决策找到他们的职业目标和有意义的工作, practical experience, 以及与全球社会的联系.
- 专业知识包括我们的知识, skills and resources; expertise promotes positive connections with our stakeholders.
- 责任体现在我们的高度可靠性上, integrity, and ethics; responsibility ensures the reliable delivery of services.
- 同理心是通过我们的平易近人表现出来的, attentiveness, and availability; empathy allows for individualized service to our diverse population.
- Balance is expressed in both our work and personal lives; balance supports our students and alumni to find fulfillment in their chosen paths.
Career Fairs
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浏览有关实习的最新消息, co-op opportunities, APEX grants, career fairs, resume critiques, 模拟面试等等, 关注我们的官方社交媒体账号!